Thursday, October 1, 2009

Hosed in Cuba

The bus had a little water line break outside of Cuba, MO as we traveled north toward St. Louis so we had to stop for around an hour at a truck stop for repairs. Gannon coined the phrase "hosed in Cuba" which seemed appropriate enough.


  1. "At a Truck Stop in Cuba, Missouri". also sounds lie a great title for a good country song!

  2. You wasted an hour. You should have looked at the 12 outdoor murals or other public art in town. See for what you missed. If you get "hosed in Cuba" again, go to the nearby Visitor Center for directions. Or you can plan ahead for a narrated tour of the murals. See our website for arrangements.
    Then there was the 42' Guinness World's Largest Rocking Chair, just west of Cuba. See for that one.
    Better yet see "18 Things to Do While in Cuba, MO at You'all come back.

  3. Actually I would have loved to have seen the murals. But the bus wouldn't run. So we saw the truck stop. And we were glad it was there.
