Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Tech Rehearsals

Mike, Ben and I went to a great little restaurant called Tipton's for breakfast this morning. Two little tables, a row of 15 (or so) stools and great biscuits and gravy. They open at 11:45 PM and stay open all night and morning and close at 2:00 PM. Now, that's a breakfast place.

Tech rehearsals are underway. The Niswonger PAC is about 1100 seats and we're wearing mics today so we can see how they need to be set. We may not actually use them for the performances, but we play to some pretty large venues down the road and today is our only chance to experiment.

1 comment:

  1. The General Morgan hotel is nice, I mean real nice, and it is fine except the whole place rolls up the sidewalks, and restaurants at dark. The people I am on tour with are very nice, they keep me in stitches. I am beaten a lot
